What is the Difference between NET(Lectureship) and JRF? Learn more and set your Goals Higher

What is the Difference between NET(Lectureship) and JRF? Learn more and set your Goals Higher
December 2, 2024
Teaching Exams . UGC NET

UGC NET Exam: Overview

UGC NET is also known as the National Eligibility Test by the University Grants Commission. It is one of the prestigious tests conducted by the National Testing Agency in CBT mode. This standardized test consists of around 83 subjects.

It assesses a candidate’s eligibility for the Assistant Professor or Lectureship (LS) and/or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Assistant Professor positions. The University Grants Commission (UGC) is the prime coordinator of this exam. In the field of academia, the UGC NET is regarded as one of the most important and respected examinations.

Know More about UGC and CSIR:

UGC stands for University Grants Commission. It is a statutory body and is responsible for maintaining excellent standards in Higher Education Institutes. UGC was formed in 1953 and became a statutory organization in 1956. The current chairman of UGC is Prof. Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar. University Grants Commission (UGC) has now become a major pillar in higher education.

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) also along with the University Grants Commission (UGC) awarded the scholarship of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) to the selected candidates. This JRF Scheme helps to boost the candidate’s research interests. Both organizations have provided up to 150 Fellowships (mostly) every year, though they vary in numbers. 

Now let’s learn about what is NET and JRF with the help of this article.

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Lectureship: What is it?

UGC NET and CSIR UGC NET are held twice a year in June and December its conducted by the National Testing Agency. These are a standardized entrance test to find out the eligible candidates who can be qualified as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Lectureship (LS). The qualified candidates get admission to various colleges/universities.

Junior Research Fellowship Scheme (JRF)

Junior Research Fellow or Junior Research Fellowship is an award for the NET-qualified candidates, who cleared the cut-off for the JRF scheme. The cut-off for Junior Research Fellow is always higher than NET (LS). There are no distinctive eligibility criteria for JRF than LS. Both have the same eligibility. 

Upon obtaining a postgraduate degree, one option is to enroll in a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program. These Ph.D. programs require financial investment and time commitment. Numerous Research Fellowship Schemes in India, supported by governmental or commercial entities, are available to assist scholars. In some cases, a Ph.D. student may be eligible for an annual contingency grant in addition to a monthly stipend for a period of two to five years.

Also Read: UGC NET Exam Preparation Strategy – Effective Guide to Success

What is  NET and JRF: A detailed comparison

NET (LS) and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), are both the same examination conducted by NTA. The only difference is that an aspirant needs to get more marks to clear the JRF. Here are the details to learn the difference between NET & JRF.



NET (LS) stands for National Eligibility Test Lectureship

JRF stands for Junior Research Fellowship

It is an eligibility test that also offers a career as an assistant professor in higher education institutions.

It is an award for the exceptional candidates who clear the JRF cut-off. It offers jobs in higher education institutes as well as opens the door for research potential. 

No maximum age limit 

Candidates must not cross the age limit of  30 years.

The tenure of this award is for a lifetime

Tenure of this award is only for three years

NET assesses the knowledge of the candidates and opens the door for securing prestigious colleges and universities 

JRF provides financial support to pursue research work. It also enables the 

Other distinctive differences are as follows:

  • A candidate eligible for a Junior Research Fellowship or JRF is always considered LS too, and can apply for lectureship to any college. Still, for LS it is not the same.
  • JRF enables a new horizon to join doctoral research programs. 
  • The monthly stipend for the JRF-awarded candidate in India is 37000. It is financial assistance to the researchers pursuing their PhDs.

Learn More: Career Options after Qualifying UGC NET

Minimum Qualifying Marks for UGC NET:

Let’s learn about minimum qualifying marks for UGC NET:

For General Candidates

40% of aggregate marks for both the papers


35% of aggregate marks for both the papers

Note: For JRF, the cut-off marks are typically higher than NET(LS)


What is NET and JRF?

The University Grants Commission (UGC) is the governing body that conducts the NET (National Eligibility Test). Successfully clearing the NET signifies that you are ‘qualified’ for an assistant professorship at colleges and universities. On the other hand, achieving a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) is an additional accomplishment that comes after passing the NET with a high percentile. The JRF not only recognizes exceptional merit but also provides enhanced opportunities for research and academic advancement.

Are NET and JRF the same?

UGC NET evaluates the knowledge of any candidate across various subjects, it enables them to apply for Assistant Professor roles in Indian colleges and universities. In contrast, JRF offers financial support for selected candidates to conduct research in their chosen fields.

What is the difference between UGC NET and JRF?

UGC NET and JRF are related exams, with the main difference being their qualifying marks. To secure a JRF, you need to score approximately 5% to 7% higher than the NET cutoff. The top 6% of candidates who qualify for NET are awarded the JRF, making them eligible for a fellowship.

Can I apply for both NET and JRF?

Yes, you can apply for both Assistant Professor (NET) and JRF.

What If I qualify only for NET but not JRF?

If you are qualified only for NET then you will be eligible to become an assistant professor. You can also get an admission as a PhD candidate, without fellowship.

Can a JRF become an assistant professor?

Yes. A JRF is eligible to become an assistant professor and they can also pursue PhD with a fellowship. 

What is the age limit to be qualified as a JRF?

The maximum age limit for a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) is 30 years. You can appear as many times as possible before 30 years of age. 

difference between net and jrf
what is net and jrf