UGC NET English Syllabus, Essential Topics, Exam Patterns, and Preparation Tips

UGC NET English Syllabus, Essential Topics, Exam Patterns, and Preparation Tips
November 28, 2024
Teaching Exams . UGC NET

The UGC NET English syllabus and pattern are designed to test the core concepts and knowledge of aspirants. It includes objective-type questions that test not only the subject-related concepts but also the ability to carry out research. One of the primary purposes of the UGC NET English exam is to determine a candidate’s excellence in teaching and research-centric professions or if they have subject-specific in-depth knowledge. Hence, it also focuses on developing new ideas. 

The UGC NET English syllabus, patterns, UGC NET best books, and career scopes related to this exam are discussed in this blog.

Marking Scheme and Exam Overview of UGC NET English

Let us talk about the UGC NET exam pattern and marking schemes. Like all the other subjects, UGC NET English exam also comprises 150 questions (including paper 1), each worth 2 marks and a total of 300 marks, which will last for three hours. Negative grades will not be assigned to any paper.

 The format of the UGC NET English Exam will be discussed in this section:

Marking Scheme

Types of Questions

Multiple Choice Question

Number of Questions


Total Marks

Paper (1)- 100, Paper (2)- 200


3 hours

Negative Marking



UGC conducts the National Eligibility Test (NET) with the help of the National Testing Agency (NTA) two times a year (June & December). In UGC NET the question pattern of each discipline follows the same rule. Questions are of objective types Multiple Choice Question,  each question carries 2 marks and without negative marking for any wrong attempt.

Unit Wise UGC NET English Syllabus

Unit I


Unit II


Unit III

Fiction and Short Story

Unit IV

Non-Fiction Prose 

Unit V

Language: Basic Concepts, theories and pedagogy, English in Use

Unit VI

English in India: history, evolution, and future

Unit VII

Cultural Studies


Literary Criticism

Unit IX

Literary Theory post World War II

Unit X 

Research Methods and Materials in English

UGC NET English Syllabus PDF Download (Paper II)

Candidates can download the UGC NET History syllabus Paper II PDF from the links provided at the end of this article. Simply click on the download icon and the syllabus will appear on the screen. Candidates can download the History syllabus PDF and use it for preparation.

Also Read: UGC NET Paper 1 Complete Syllabus, Preparation Tips and Best Books

UGC NET English: Important Topics For Examination

Some of the most important topics that you should prioritize in the UGC NET English syllabus include:

  • Drama 
  • Poetry 
  • Fiction, short story 
  • Non-Fictional Prose 
  • Modernism & Post Modernism
  • Indian Writing in English
  • Comparative Literature
  • British Literature
  • American Literature
  • Popular Literary Texts

UGC has declared that in the UGC NET English syllabus, the first four units must also be tested through comprehension passages to assess critical reading, critical thinking and writing skills. These first four units will also cover all works of literature in English.

UGC NET English Books for Best Preparation

History of English (British) Literature

  • The Short Oxford History of English Literature by Andrew Sanders
  • The Routledge History of Literature in English: Britain and Ireland by Ronald Carter and John McRae

History of Indian Writing in English

  • A History of Indian Literature. Edited by M. K. Naik (Sahitya Academy)

American Literature

  • From Puritanism to Postmodernism: A History of American Literature by Malcolm Bradbury and Richard Ruland.
  • Outline of American Literature by U. S Dept of State “Outline” Series.
  • A Short History of American Literature by Krishnasen & Ashok Sengupta.

World Literature

  • World Literature Vol 2 edited by Prendergast & Penclergast

Indian Literature

  • A History of Indian English Literature by M. K. Naik.
  • Indian Writing in English by K. R Srinivon  Iyengar.
  • A Concise History of Indian Literature in English by A. K. Mehrotra.

Theory & Criticism

  • Modern Literary Criticism and Theory by M.A. R. Habib
  • Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory by P.K. Nayar (Pearson)

Cultural Studies

  • The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies by Chris Barker

Literary Terms

  • A Glossary of Literary Terms by M. H. Abrams
  • The Penguin Dictionary of Literary terms and Literary theory by M. H. Abrams

Rhetoric & Prosody

  • Elements at English Rhetoric & Prosody by Bose & Sterling
  • Some Aspects of Rhetoric &  Prosody by Kalyanath Dutta.

Society History

  • English Social Historical by G. M. Trevelyan
  • English Social & Cultural History by Bibhar Chowdhury

Research Methodology

  • Research Methodology by Kothari & Grary
  • Research Methodology Behavioural Science by Mangal & Mangal

Literary Theory

  • Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory: From Structuralism to Ecocriticism by Pramod K. Nayyar (Pearson)

Basic Concepts

  • Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society by Raymond Williams

Modern Literary Criticism and Theory

  • A History  by M. A. R. Habib
  • The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies by Chris Barker

How to Prepare for UGC NET English

The UGC NET English paper might appear to be difficult for innumerable aspirants. Here are a few tips to ace the exam with the right preparation:

  1. Candidates are advised to sit for the mock tests regularly and work on their weak areas.
  2. Candidates should practice previous year’s question paper to gain confidence.
  3. Aspirants should get an overview of the syllabus, and subsequently prepare topic-wise notes for the important topics.
  4. Refer to original texts for novels and dramas besides other reliable reference books, because they provide a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of various topics.
  5. It is advisable to keep adequate time for revision while planning as the vastness of History requires revision more than a lot of the subjects. 
  6. Study while taking reference from maps as it can help you to have a clear concept about locations.


Is the UGC NET English exam tough?

The UGC NET English Exam is a mix of easy to moderate difficulty-level questions across various topics. Modernism, Postmodernism, and other related topics were considered easy to moderate, with around 3-4 questions asked. Literary Theory and Criticism, on the other hand, were moderate, with 2-3 question.

What is a good score for UGC NET English?

If you score a minimum of 110 marks in English, then it can be considered as a good score.

What is the UGC NET English syllabus?

UGC NET English Syllabus comprises British and American literature, Drama, Poetry, Fiction and short story, research methods, literary theory and literary criticism.

Who is eligible for the UGC NET English exam?

Candidates who scored at least 55% marks in their post-graduation degree are considered eligible to appear in the UGC NET exam.

What happens when you pass the UGC NET English test?

After passing the UGC NET, being an assistant professor at a college or university is the most sought-after job path. Teaching undergraduate and graduate students, carrying out research, and publishing scholarly works are all part of this position.

net english syllabus
ugc net english literature syllabus
ugc net english syllabus


UGC NET English Syllabus PDF