UGC NET Paper 1 Complete Syllabus, Preparation Tips and Best Books

UGC NET Paper 1 Complete Syllabus, Preparation Tips and Best Books
November 29, 2024
Teaching Exams . UGC NET

The UGC NET paper 1 syllabus 2024 and pattern are carefully crafted to assess the fundamental concepts and knowledge of candidates. It comprises objective-type questions that evaluate not only the subject-specific concepts but also the research and teaching aptitude of the aspirants. To qualify for the UGC NET exam, candidates should not only focus on Paper 1 but also begin preparing for Paper 2 subjects such as Bengali, English, Sanskrit, History, Philosophy, Geography, and Education as per their choice.

An important objective of the UGC NET paper 1 exam is to gauge whether a candidate possesses the potential to excel in teaching and research-oriented professions. Therefore, it also aims to assess the data interpretation, communication, and comprehension abilities of the candidates.

These competencies are crucial for establishing a successful career in teaching, research, and related fields. This blog discusses the UGC NET paper 1 syllabus, patterns, recommended books, and career prospects associated with this exam.

UGC NET Paper 1 Exam Pattern, Overview and Marking Scheme

The exam pattern for the UGC NET PAPER 1 is described below:

Exam Pattern & Marking Scheme













UGC NET Paper 1 Syllabus

When you search for the UGC NET Paper 1 syllabus pdf, you will come across various topics, among them Teaching Aptitude and Research Aptitude are most important. The units that form a part of the syllabus for this Paper 1 include:

Unit I: Teaching Aptitude

  • Teaching: Levels of teaching (understanding, memory, and reflection); Objectives; Characteristics; Concepts; and Basic Requirements
  • Learner’s characteristics: Individual differences; Characteristics of adult and adolescent learners (social, emotional, academic, and cognitive) 
  • Factors affecting teaching related to Teacher, Support material, Learner, Learning Environment, Institution, and Instructional Facilities
  • Methods of teaching in higher learning institutions: Offline vs Online methods (Swayamprabha, Swayam, MOOCS, etc.); Teacher Centered vs Learner Centered Methods
  • Teaching support system: Modern; Traditional; and ICT-based
  • Evaluating Systems: Evaluation in Choice Based Credit Systems in Higher Education; Innovations in Evaluation Systems; Computer-Based Testing; Elements and Types of Evaluation

Unit II: Research Aptitude

  • Research: Positivism and Post-positivist approach to research; Methods of research: Experimental, historical, descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative methods; Meaning, characteristics, and types
  • Thesis and Article Writing: Styles and Format of Referencing
  • Research Ethics
  • Application of ICT in Research

Unit III: Comprehension

  • Requires the candidate to go through a passage of text. Questions asked from that passage have to be answered.

Unit IV: Communication

  • Communication: Types, Characteristics of Communication, and Meaning
  • Effective Communication: Group and Inter-cultural Communications; Verbal and non-verbal Communication; and Classroom Communication
  • Mass-media and society
  • Barriers to Effective Communication

Unit V: Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude

  • Letter Series; Codes; Number Series; and Relationships
  • Types of Reasoning
  • Mathematical Aptitude (time & distance, ratio, fraction, proportion and percentage, interest and discounting, profit and loss, averages, etc.)

Unit VI: Logical Reasoning

  • Analogies
  • Distinguishing and Evaluating inductive and deductive reasoning
  • Understanding the Structure of Arguments: The Structure of Categorical Propositions; Figure and Mood; Uses of Language, connotations, and denotations of terms;  Argument Forms; The Classical  Square of Opposition; Formal and Informal fallacies
  • Indian Logic: Means of Knowledge
  • Pramansas: Anumana (Inference); Pratyaksha (Perception); Arthapatti (Implication); Upamana (Comparison); Shabda (Verbal testimony); and Anupalabdhi (Non-apprehension)
  • Structure and kinds of Anumana (inference); Hetvabhasas (fallacies of inference); and Vyapti (invariable relation)
  • Venn Diagram: Simple and Multiple Uses for Establishing the Validity and reasoning of various Arguments

Unit VII: Data Interpretation

  • Quantitative and Qualitative Data
  • Data Interpretation
  • Data and Governance
  • Graphical Representation (Pie-Chart, Table-Chart, Bar-Chart, Histograms, and Line-Chart)
  • Sources, Acquisition, and Classification of Data

Unit VIII: Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  • Digital Initiatives in Higher Education
  • ICT and Governance
  • ICT: General abbreviations and terminology
  • Basics of Internet, Video-conferencing, Intranet, Audio, and E-mail

Unit IX: People, Development, and Environment

  • Human and Environment Interaction: Anthropogenic activities and their impacts on the environment
  • Development and Environment: Millennium Development and Goals for Sustainable Development 
  • Impacts of pollutants on human health
  • Environmental Protection Act (1986), National Action Plan on Climate Change, International agreements/efforts -Montreal Protocol, Rio Summit, Convention on Biodiversity, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, International Solar Alliance
  • Natural and energy resources: Solar, Wind, Soil, Hydro, Geothermal, Biomass, Nuclear and Forests
  • Environmental issues: Local, global, and regional; water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, air pollution, waste (solid, liquid, biomedical, hazardous, electronic), climate change and its political and socio-economic dimensions
  • Natural hazards and disasters: Mitigation strategies

Unit X: Higher Education System

  • Value education and environmental education
  • Conventional, non-conventional, and Oriental programs for learning in India
  • Evolution of higher learning and research in post-independence India
  • Institutions of higher learning and education in ancient India
  • Policies, governance, and administration
  • Professional, technical, and skill-based education.

Learn More: UGC NET Preparation Strategy

UGC NET Syllabus Paper 1 PDF

Candidates can download the UGC NET Paper 1 syllabus from the links provided at the end of this article. Simply click on the download icon and the syllabus will appear on the screen. Candidates can download the Paper 1 syllabus PDF and use it for preparation.

Weightage of UGC NET PAPER 1 Syllabus

The weightage of marks allotted to the various topics in the UGC NET PAPER 1 syllabus is as follows: 




Teaching Aptitude



Research Aptitude



Logical Reasoning



Data Interpretation









Information and Communication Technology (ICT)



Higher Education System



Mathematical Reasoning



People, Development and Environment



However, this rule of 5 questions from each section does not always follow. It depends upon the question of that year. Although the weightage of marks is equally distributed, you must plan out your preparation according to your requirements. For instance, you can allot more time for preparing the topic that you find difficult as compared to the topic that you find easier.

Best Books for UGC NET Paper 1

Here is the list of best books to prepare UGC NET Paper 1

  1. UGC NET/JRF/SLET General Paper-1 Teaching & Research Aptitude by Arihant Experts
  2. Trueman’s UGC NET /SET General Paper 1 by M. Gagan & Sajit Kumar
  3. NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF Paper 1- Teaching and Research Aptitude by KVS Madan

Best Tips to Prepare for UGC NET PAPER 1

Some of the  most helpful tips to prepare for the UGC NET PAPER 1 include:

  • Look for the right guidebook: A good reference or guidebook can help you prepare for this exam with the right guidance. However, the best book for UGC NET PAPER 1 may be different for different aspirants. For instance, a book might suit your classmate better while another book may turn out to be more comprehensible for you. Hence, refer to guidebooks that suit your pattern of preparation or comprehension capabilities better. 
  • Previous year’s question paper: One of the most important steps while preparing is to refer to the previous year’s question papers to understand the exam pattern. Further, you can refer to a good UGC NET PAPER 1 question paper pdf to get regular practice while preparing. 
  • Speed and Practice: PAPER 1 of this exam has application-based topics such as reasoning and math which require immense practice. You can practice with a timer to increase your speed and concentration so that the exam can be completed within the allotted time.  
  • Give Mock Tests: You must appear for mock tests regularly to perform better in the exam as PAPER 1 has application-based questions that require practice.
  • Revision: It is important to allocate separate time for revision in your schedule so that you do not forget any of the topics before the main exam.
  • Notes and Stickers: You can prepare notes and colourful stickers or maps to ease the process of revision and learning. This will help you to memorize core concepts and relevant details at a faster pace. 
  • Discussion: You should discuss the UGC NET PAPER 1 syllabus and preparation techniques with your fellow aspirants. This will provide an insight into multiple ways in which the preparation can be approached as each aspirant may have his or her unique strategies. 
  • Regular breaks to relax your mind: While discipline and dedication are important, relaxing your mind for efficient preparation is also crucial. You must take regular breaks while you are preparing as long hours of continuous preparation may lead to burnout and anxious thoughts. 

Read Now: Coaching or Self-Study which way is better for your preparation

Hope you got the desired information regarding UGC NET exam. So do not delay, start your preparation now!


How to prepare for UGC NET PAPER 1?

Ans. You must make an elaborate plan to cover the UGC NET PAPER 1 syllabus and appear for mock tests regularly. Further, you must revise the syllabus well before appearing for this comprehensive exam. 

Is it compulsory to clear UGC NET Paper 1?

Ans. Yes. To clear UGC NET it is compulsory to clear UGC NET paper 1 first.

Which book is the best for UGC NET PAPER 1? 

Ans. UGC NET/JRF/SLET General Paper-1 Teaching & Research Aptitude by Arihant Experts”: is the best book for one of the most important topics of the UGC NET PAPER 1 syllabus. Further, Trueman’s UGC NET /SET General Paper 1 by M. Gagan & Sajit Kumar” is another comprehensive and useful book to prepare for this exam. 

Are there any changes in the UGC NET Syllabus 2024?

Ans. Until now, no changes in UGC NET Syllabus 2024 have been announced.

What is the exam pattern for UGC NET PAPER 1?

Ans. It is a one-hour online exam with 50 MCQs that carries 100 marks. 

Who is eligible for UGC NET Paper 1?

Ans. Candidates with at least 55% marks in their post-graduation degree are eligible for UGC NET Paper 1 exam.

How many topics is the syllabus for Paper 1 divided into?

Ans. Paper 1 is divided into 10 units. Among them research, teaching aptitude and Higher education system are important.

What topics to study for UGC NET paper 1?

Ans. UGC NET Paper 1 syllabus is divided into 10 units. You need to study teaching and research aptitude, the Higher education system in India, Logical Reasoning, Mathematical Reasoning and many more.

Is there any negative marking in UGC NET 2024?

Ans. No, UGC NET 2024 does not have any negative marking provisions.

How to score 100 marks in UGC NET Paper 1?

Ans. Study well. Cover all the units mentioned in the syllabus. Attempt mock tests and quizzes to boost your confidence and score 100 marks in UGC net paper 1.

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ugc net paper 1 syllabus
ugc net paper 1 syllabus for 2024


UGC NET Paper 1 Syllabus PDF