UGC NET Teaching Aptitude: In-Depth Discussion on Objectives, Characteristics, Teaching Method, and More

UGC NET Teaching Aptitude: In-Depth Discussion on Objectives, Characteristics, Teaching Method, and More
October 26, 2024
Teaching Exams . UGC NET

Candidates preparing for the UGC NET must focus on Teaching Aptitude with diligence. This topic is crucial in the general paper along with Research Aptitude, and mastering it is essential for a comprehensive understanding of Paper 1. Skipping it would leave a significant gap in your preparation. This topic helps to understand the learner’s behaviour and communicate with learners more effectively. This ability, in turn, aids in creating a favourable environment for both the teacher and the learner. Candidates who are willing to prepare for UGC NET Paper 1 must read this chapter to get a good score.

Additionally, teaching aptitude for UGC NET is significantly important as it provides professional development in the teacher’s attitude. It also allows them to comprehend the learning requirements of their students and modify their teaching approach accordingly. Thus mastering teaching aptitude for UGC NET not only helps aspirants pass the exam but also trains them for their futures as educators.

What Is Teaching Aptitude?

Teaching is an action that facilitates a child’s learning and acquisition of essential knowledge, skills, and societal norms. Instruction is a process that can be conducted formally or informally. Informal education occurs inside the familial context, whereas formal education transpires outside of it. Formal instruction should be conducted by seasoned instructors, educators, editors, etc. 

In order to properly evaluate teachers, Teaching Aptitude is an indispensable instrument. The performance of those who are interested in pursuing a career in teaching can be taken into consideration through this kind of evaluation. When we talk about this strategy, we are referring to the qualities that are essential for becoming a great educator.

What to Study: Syllabus for Teaching Aptitude

Teaching aptitude is an important section in paper 1 ugc net. Candidates who are appearing for UGC NET should follow the complete syllabus and plan preparation accordingly. We will provide the UGC NET Teaching Aptitude syllabus pdf along with this article.

Let’s find out what we have to study in Teaching Aptitude:

  1. Definition, nature, objectives, and characteristics of teaching
  2. Basic requirements for teaching
  3. Levels of teaching
  4. Factors that affect teaching
  5. Methods of teaching
  6. Effective Ways of Teaching
  7. Characteristics of learners
  8. Evolution of teaching systems
  9. Teaching aids
  10. ICT and teaching

We will discuss some important points of teaching aptitude in this article. We also provide links for detailed discussion on each point, you can visit BSSEI’s website and learn at your convenience.

Also Read: UGC NET Paper 1 Syllabus, Preparation Tips and Best Books

UGC NET Teaching Aptitude: Characteristics/Nature of Teaching

  1. Teaching occurs within a dynamic setting.
  2. Instruction is a cognitive effort.
  3. Education comprises an extensive duration of study and training.
  4. It possesses a significant level of independence.
  5. It is an ongoing career.
  6. It is both an art & a science.
  7. It is intricately connected to education, learning, and training.
  8. It constitutes a form of social service and encompasses many tiers of instruction.

UGC NET Teaching Aptitude: Objectives of Teaching

A good aim should be measurable, explicit, and based on the outcomes that are desired. The goals of learning and teaching must be brought together after the session. Every year, the UGC-NET paper 1 examination consists of either statement-based or multiple-choice questions from this part. These are the goals that come with teaching:

  • To bring about the needed modifications in the students’ mentality.
  • To develop good behaviour and attitude.
  • To accumulate new information.
  • To aid students in developing their learning skills.
  • The development of a worldview.
  • To evolve into an important member of society who is both humane and productive.

Before moving towards the next topic, let’s learn about a few goals of teaching aptitude:

  1. Learn to manage the classroom and students.
  2. Develop new skills.
  3. It will help in exploring new methods of teaching.
  4. It nurtures creativity. 

UGC NET Teaching Aptitude: Factors that Affect Teaching

There are an infinite number of aspects that influence teaching competence, including maturity, age, motivation, IQ, mental health, physical demands, diet, attention and interest, level of aspiration, and so on. 

Within the scope of this paper, we shall investigate teaching that is both beneficial and detrimental to certain elements. Teaching is a process in which the learner, the teacher, and multiple other variables are actively involved in an organised manner. The primary goals of teaching are to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and the improvement of current skill sets. Studying the factors that influence both teaching and learning in the classroom is something that needs to be done.

Every year, the UGC-NET paper 1 examination consists of either statement-based or multiple-choice questions. The topic of factors impacting teaching is a very important one, and the examinations are used to test candidates’ knowledge of the subject.

The process of teaching is influenced by the following factors, which are as follows:

  • The educational background of the instructors of the class.
  • For a teacher to be able to carry out his task effectively, he or she must possess adequate skills.
  • Teachers with more experience are better able to address questions from students and maintain order in the classroom.
  • The teaching-learning environment should be supported. The teacher should play a significant role in the management of this activity.

UGC NET Teaching Methods

(i) Teacher-centric method

The teacher-centred approach is as follows:

Lecture method: It is a teaching strategy in which the instructor provides the pupils with the predetermined facts. While they listen, the pupils make notes. The teacher’s ability to communicate clearly and in a pleasing tone and style is essential to the method’s effectiveness.

Team Teaching: In team teaching, a group of teachers assists a group of students regularly and works together to help them understand various ideas. In addition to teaching, guiding, and evaluating the student’s performance, teachers collaborate to create their course, syllabus, and lesson plans. They offer students analyses and advise them to choose the best course of action.

TV or Video Presentation: This is an enhanced approach that uses audio or radio broadcasting and can practically bring the outside world into the classroom. After the video presentation is screened, a task is discussed.

(ii) Mixed Method Approach

The methods of this strategy are as follows:

Group Discussion: The goal of discussion methods is to improve students’ thinking, learning, problem-solving, and comprehension by providing a forum for the teacher and students to engage in an open-ended, collaborative exchange of ideas. To broaden their knowledge, comprehension, or perception of the subject or topic, participants offer their points of view, hear what others have to say, and then reframe those ideas for presentation.

Brainstorming: is a type of group creativity when participants list various thoughts or proposals they have come up with on their own in an attempt to come up with a pertinent conclusion or solution for a specific issue.

The project method: It is an advanced teaching approach that prioritizes the perspectives of students in the development of the curriculum and study content. This approach is founded on pragmatist philosophy and the idea of “learning by doing.”

Additional techniques for teaching in small groups include role-playing, simulation, tutorials, and demonstrations.

(iii) A student-centred approach

The teaching approach covered by the following tactics is as follows:

Assignments: Assignments are a type of instruction that helps students develop their unique academic capabilities. They can be conducted independently or in groups. The work must be completed on their own time; there are no contact hours available for this purpose.

Case study: The best student-centred teaching technique for fostering critical thinking, communication, and interpersonal skills in students is the case method. Engaging in various case studies enables students to investigate and assess various data sources, hence promoting information literacy.

Programmed Instruction: It is based on research and assists pupils in learning through a regulated and graded series of steps. Sydney L. Pressey makes the discovery.

Computer-assisted learning: This approach uses a computer to both present the lesson plan and track student progress.

Heuristic learning: Dr. H. E. Armstrong is credited with discovering the heuristic approach. It’s a methodical technique for learning, problem-solving, or finding that’s adequate to accomplish a short-term objective.

(iv) Instructional Materials

Teaching aids/ instructional materials are tools that a teacher or facilitator uses in the classroom to facilitate understanding and make their instruction simple and effective for the pupils. Different kinds of instructional tools exist:

Audio aids: These include language labs, tape recorders, radios, and other devices that use sound to assist the sense of hearing.

Visual Aids: These aids exclusively appeal to the visual sense. For instance, maps, photographs, flashcards, chalkboards, soft boards, and so on.

Audio-visual aids: These utilize the senses of vision and hearing. For instance, movies, TV shows, computers, movie strips, etc.

UGC NET Teaching Aptitude: Characteristics of Teacher/Educator

  • The instructor should commence with fundamental concepts and progressively elucidate more intricate subjects.
  • The instructor ought to transition from elucidating familiar concepts to unfamiliar ones, as this approach facilitates students’ ability to relate to and recall the material more effectively.
  • The instructor ought to go from facts to abstract concepts throughout instruction.
  • To enhance comprehension of the teacher’s role, educators should convey knowledge of the present, facilitating a deeper grasp of both the past and the future.

Effective Methods of Teaching

Let’s learn some key points related to effective methods of teaching:

  • The instructor should start with specific facts and progress toward general principles and their derivatives.
  • The educator must prioritize the psychological needs of the student before proceeding to elucidate things logically.
  • The instructor ought to segment the content to enhance pupil comprehension.
  • The teacher should facilitate the transformation of unclear knowledge into clarity to address students’ worries.
  • To enhance understanding and explain the subject matter to students, an educator should deconstruct the issue into its fundamental components (analysis) and subsequently integrate those components (synthesis).
  • An educator should consistently promote independent study among students.

Read More: How to Prepare for UGC NET

UGC NET: Principles of Teaching

Grow Interest: To facilitate effective teaching, an educator must cultivate interest among students.

Inspire: A qualified educator needs to have the ability to inspire students to gain knowledge and grasp new concepts.

Revision: To enhance comprehension of acquired knowledge, a teacher must revise what has been taught in the class immediately. 

Remind Differences: Teachers should instruct by keeping in mind students’ diverse backgrounds, attitudes, potentials, and talents. Teachers should ensure equitable chances for all.

Activity: To enhance memory and comprehension, a teacher should engage pupils in learning through activities.

Structured Study Plan: To ensure that learning is targeted and instruction is methodically organised, a teacher must provide a clear objective before the class, incorporating teaching strategies and goals. This will enhance learners’ curiosity and engagement in learning.

Division – To facilitate learning, the subject matter must be segmented into units, with interconnections established among them.

Democratic learning: An authoritarian teaching approach inhibits student communication and participation, relegating them to the role of passive listeners. However, if the instructor adopts a democratic approach, students will pose inquiries, resulting in a more dynamic classroom environment.

Recreation – To infuse humour into the classroom and alleviate the fatigue of prolonged sessions, educators need to incorporate recreational activities. It promotes fun learning.

Learn More: Coaching or Self-Study which way is better for you preparation

Frequently Asked Topics in UGC NET Teaching Aptitude

These are some common terms that can be asked in UGC NET Teaching Aptitude.


  • The idea of curriculum describes the lessons and academic content delivered in a school or within a particular course or program.
  • It can also be defined as the cumulative experience that a student must complete.

The Syllabus

  • It is a syllabus outlining the subjects or texts to be studied in a certain course, particularly one that culminates in an examination.
  • It is descriptive and aims to delineate and encapsulate the subject matter to be addressed.


  • The act of reiterating a notion or opinion to an individual until they acquiesce without scrutiny or inquiry.
  • Indoctrination involves the imposition of beliefs and ideas upon others, sometimes included in educational practices.


  • Instruction constitutes a component of teaching, encompassing the transmission of content by the educator.
  • It is an approach through which the teacher transmits ideas to students.

Important Books for Teaching Aptitude

Some best books for UGC NET teaching aptitude are mentioned below:


Author/ Publisher

NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF: Teaching and Research Aptitude Paper 1


UGC NET/JRF/SLET General Paper-1 Teaching and Research Aptitude

Harpreet Kaur by Oxford

UGC NET/JRF/SET Teaching and Research Aptitude - General Paper I

Dr K Kautilya by Upkar Publication

We hope this article helps you to create a basic understanding of this topic. However, this is one of the principal themes of UGC NET paper 1 and needs to be done with utmost attention.


What is the Teaching Aptitude Test?

Ans: The Teaching Aptitude test evaluates your knowledge and skills in teaching. It also provides in-depth knowledge of the teaching process and methods. 

What sections are most important for teaching aptitude?

Ans: In teaching aptitude, teaching methods, characteristics, and ICT-based teaching are the most commonly asked sections in the UGC NET exam.

How to prepare for Teaching Aptitude?

Ans: Firstly, you must know about the details of teaching aptitude. To master teaching aptitude read every section, make notes, and attempt mock tests to prepare. You can join our BSSEI’s UGC NET Course and upgrade your preparation.

What is learning in Teaching Aptitude?

Ans: Learning in teaching aptitude is a process through which the learners can acquire knowledge, and skills and also help retain knowledge.

Why teaching aptitude is important?

Ans: Teaching Aptitude is important because it helps teachers deliver effective instruction, explain difficult concepts, create competitive advantage, and improve the quality of education.

What type of questions were asked in teaching aptitude?

Ans: From teaching aptitude, questions related to characteristics, methods, ICT, and objectives related questions are mostly asked.

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