Learn About WB TET: Detailed Syllabus and Exam Pattern and More

Learn About WB TET: Detailed Syllabus and Exam Pattern and More
January 15, 2025
Teaching Exams . WB TET

WB TET or WB Primary TET is an Eligibility Test conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE). The TET exam in West Bengal is also known as the West Bengal Primary Teacher Eligibility Test. WBBPE tests the eligibility of candidates who want to pursue a career as a teacher in the primary education sector of West Bengal. Previously WBBPE conducted the WB TET exam in 2022, and 2023; though there has been no new notification has published by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE), the candidates are anticipating that the WBBPE will also conduct the exam in 2024, and 2025 as well.

WB TET Exam Overview

WB TET or West Bengal Primary TET exam is a state-level exam that is held nearly every year. This state-level eligibility exam is conducted in offline mode, the questions are objective type multiple choice, and the exam is based on an OMR sheet. The WB TET exam has only 1 paper and the paper consists of 150 MCQ questions that consist of 1 mark each. Candidates can also visit the official website of WB TET, which is basically the official website of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education.

WB Primary TET Exam Overview

Exam Name

West Bengal Teacher Eligibility Test (WB TET)

Conducting Body

West Bengal Board of Primary Education

Application Mode


Exam Mode


Question Type

Multiple Choice Question

Official Website

WB TET Exam Pattern 

WB TET Exam Pattern shows us a clearer picture of the exam structure, number division, and essential topics of WB TET. The WB Primary TET Exam Pattern and WB TET Syllabus provide the information that Paper I consists of five subjects: Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I (English), Language II (Bengali), Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. According to the WB Primary TET Exam Pattern, there will be one paper for classes 1 to 5. The examination will feature 150 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), each carrying 1 mark. Candidates will have 2 hours 30 minutes to complete the test. Since the WB TET is an eligibility test, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers.

WB TET Exam Pattern


Number of Question



Child Development and Pedagogy



150 Minutes

Language-I: Bengali



Language-II: English






Environmental Science






Eligibility Criteria of WB TET

The West Bengal Teacher Eligibility Test (WB TET) establishes guidelines to ensure that only qualified individuals become teachers in the state primary schools. These guidelines focus mostly on specific age limits and educational background, however, language proficiency can be evaluated for any state-level exams. The purpose of the WB Primary TET is to uphold a high quality of education and build a strong foundation of knowledge and humanity among students with a positive learning experience. The eligibility criteria can be divided into two sets, 1) Educational Qualification & 2) Age Limit. Let’s learn about the Eligibility criteria for WB TET exam:

Educational Qualification

WB Primary TET must fulfill these mentioned eligibility criteria to sit for the test. Let’s Have a look:

Candidates must have completed Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and one of the following:

A 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by any name known), or
A 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.), or
A Diploma in Education (Special Education), which is recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India (R.C.I.), or
A Graduation degree along with a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by any name known).

A 5% relaxation in marks for the Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) examination (i.e., a minimum of 45%) will be allowed for candidates belonging to the following categories:

(Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC-A and OBC-B), Exempted Category (EC),  Ex-Servicemen Category, Differently Abled Candidates (PwD), Die-in-Harness (DH) category.

Additional Eligibility:

  • Candidates who have appeared for the final examination of the 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) from NCTE-recognized institutions on the date of this notification and are awaiting results.
  • Candidates who have appeared for the final examination of the 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) from NCTE-recognized institutions and are awaiting results.
  • Candidates who have appeared for the final examination of the 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education) from RCI-recognized institutions and are awaiting results.
  • Candidates who are currently pursuing the D.El.Ed., D.Ed. (Special Education), or the 4-year B.El.Ed. course in NCTE/RCI-recognized institutions.

Age Limit

  • The Minimum age limit is 21 and the maximum age limit is 40 years for unreserved category candidates.
  • Age relaxation of 5% is applicable for reserved category candidates, such as: women applicants, ex-servicemen, reserved category and those already working in the same field.

WB TET Exam Syllabus

Candidates preparing for the WB TET exam should focus on the basics of each topic and ensure they have a clear understanding of every subject included in the syllabus. The WB TET syllabus is basically divided into 5 topics: Language-1, Language-2, CDP, Mathematics, and environmental Science. To assist candidates in their preparation, we have outlined the detailed WB Primary TET syllabus below. We will also attach the pdf of the WB TET syllabus in Bengali along with this blog to help the candidates more with the exam.

Child Development Pedagogy

1. Child Development and Learning

  • Concept of development and its relationship with learning
  • Principles of the development of children
  • Influence of Heredity & Environment
  • Socialization processes: Social world & children (Teacher, Parents, Peers)
  • Piaget, Kohlberg and Vygotsky: constructs and critical perspectives
  • Concepts of child-centred and progressive education
  • Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence
  • Multi-Dimensional Intelligence
  • Language & Thought
  • Gender as a social construct; gender roles, gender-bias and educational practice
  • Individual differences among learners, understanding differences based on diversity of language, caste, gender,
    community, religion etc
  • The distinction between Assessment for learning and assessment of learning; School-Based Assessment,
    Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: perspective and practice
  • Formulating appropriate questions for assessing the readiness levels of learners;
    for enhancing learning and critical thinking in the classroom and for assessing learner achievement.

2. Concepts of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs.

  • Concept of exceptional children and children with special needs (CWSN).
  • Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived.
  • Addressing the needs of children with learning difficulties, ‘impairment’ etc.
  • Addressing the Talented, Creative, Specially abled Learners.

3. Learning and Pedagogy

  • Alternative concepts of learning in children
  • Cognition and emotions
  • Motivation and learning
  • Classroom management
  • Punishment and its legal implications, rights of a child.
  • Guidance and counseling: concept, nature, and types.
  • How children think and learn; how and why children ‘fail’ to achieve success in school performance.
  • Basic processes of teaching and learning;
  • Children’s strategies of learning; learning as a social activity; social context of learning.
  • Child as a problem solver and a ‘scientific investigator’
  • Alternative conceptions of learning in children, understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process.
  • Cognition & Emotions.
  • Motivation and learning.
  • Factors contributing to learning – personal & environmental.

Language 1

Language Comprehension

Two unseen passages with questions dealing with comprehension, grammar, and verbal ability.

  • Challenges of teaching language in diverse classrooms: language difficulties, errors, and disorders.
  • Introduction to English Phonology: vowels and consonants, syllable division.
  • Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency in LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing).
  • Teaching-learning materials.
  • Strategies for teaching children with special needs (CWSN).
  • Remedial teaching.
  • Learning and acquisition.
  • Principles of language Teaching.
  • Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool.
  • A critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form.
  • Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors, and disorders.
  • Language Skills.
  • Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
  • Teaching-learning materials: Textbook, multimedia materials, multilingual resources of the classroom.

The candidates will have to choose any one of the following languages as their first language: Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Santhali, Oriya, and Telugu. The choice will be based on the medium of instruction in the school.

Language 2

1. Language Comprehension

  • Two passages, one from prose and the other from poetry with questions on comprehension, inference,
    grammar and test of vocabulary.
  • Determiners
  • Subject-verb
  • Concord
  • Interrogatives
  • Framing Yes/No & ‘WH’ questions
  • Question tags
  • Prepositions
  • Tense and time
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Gerunds & Participle
  • Auxiliary verbs

2. Pedagogy for Language Development

  • Challenges of teaching language in diverse classrooms: language difficulties, errors, and disorders.
  • Introduction to English Phonology: vowels and consonants, syllable division.
  • Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency in LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing).
  • Teaching-learning materials.
  • Strategies for teaching children with special needs (CWSN).
  • Remedial teaching.
  • Learning and acquisition.
  • Principles of language Teaching.
  • Role of listening and speaking; function of language and how children use it as a tool.
  • A critical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form.
  • Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors, and disorders.
  • Language Skills.
  • Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
  • Teaching-learning materials: Textbook, multimedia materials, multilingual resources of the classroom.


  • Geometry
  • Shapes, spatial understanding, solids, the perimeter of rectilinear figures, area of rectangles,
    practical problems, surface area and volume of solids (sphere, cube, rectangular, parallelepiped), practical problems.
  • Measurement
  • Numbers
  • Arithmetic
  • Fractions
  • Weight
  • Time
  • Data handling
  • Patterns
  • Money
  • Pedagogical Issues in Mathematics
  • Language of Mathematics
  • Community Mathematics
  • Nature of mathematics
  • Methods of teaching mathematics
  • Instructional material in mathematics
  • Evaluation, is the concept of continuous and comprehensive evaluation. Problems in teaching mathematics
  • Error analysis and related aspects of learning and teaching.
  • Diagnostic and remedial teaching.

Knowledge of Environmental Science

1. About EVS

  • Concept and scope of environmental studies
  • Significance of environmental studies.
  • Integrated approach in environmental studies
  • Scope and relation of environmental studies to science and social science.
  • Approaches of presenting concepts
  • Environmental studies and environmental education
  • Learning principles
  • Activities
  • Discussion
  • Health and Hygiene
  • Shelters: Types of shelters, characteristics of animal shelters
  • Types of vehicles used, railways, waterways and airways
  • Water: Types of water resources, conservation of water resources, water pollution,
  • Causes and prevention of water pollution, the impact of water pollution on environment, flood and drought.
  • Composition of air, causes and impact of air pollution on the environment, greenhouse effect and global warming.
  • Different types of soil, soil erosion, the impact of soil pollution and its prevention.

2. Pedagogical Issues

  • Concept and scope of EVS
  • Significance of EVS integrated EVS
  • Environmental Studies & Environmental Education
  • Learning Principles
  • Scope & relation to Science & Social Science
  • Approaches to presenting concepts
  • Activities

WB TET Application Process

The aspirants of the WB Primary TET exam have to visit the official website of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE) to apply online for this test. After completing the registration and application procedure for the WB TET exam candidates should download the confirmation page from the download link on the website, Before the exam candidates must download the WB TET admit card.

WB TET Exam: Application Fees

The Application Fee for TET-2023 is to be paid through online mode only. The candidates have to pay the examination fee only through Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking. Additional charges will be applicable. To get the additional details candidates should follow the official notification regarding this.

WB TET Examination Fee







SC/ST/Differently Abled Category (DAC)/ Exempted Category (EC)             


WB TET Important Dates

Candidates should keep in their mind the important dates related to the exams. The candidates must remember the Application start and end dates, the exam date, and the admit card release date. We will upload the upcoming dates whenever they are announced officially.

WB Primary TET Result 

The candidates can check their WB TET result from the official website of WBBPE.

WB TET Previous Years’ Questions

Solving WB Primary TET previous years’ question papers helps students build confidence. That is why every candidate should practice previous years’ questions. Doing so provides a clear understanding of the exam’s question paper patterns, standards, etc., which ultimately aids in preparing better for the examination. In this article we will provide the pdf download link to download previous year’s question papers. We will also upload some OMR Sheet PDF to download. Candidates can use those while solving the previous year question paper.

WB TET Cut-Off

The candidates who attend the exam can look for the WB TET cutoff marks to alleviate their concerns and determine their performance. Therefore, WBBPE will publish the WB TET cutoff marks on their official website, after completion of the examination. By checking the cutoff on the official website, candidates will be able to assess their performance and rank of the results based on subject and category.

Important Books for the WB TET Exam

Books are mandatory for any aspiring candidates. Those who are preparing for the WB TET exam must refer to the best books used for WB Primary TET.

  1. Child Development Pedagogy by Pearson
  2. Chhaya West Bengal Primary TET Challenger by Chhaya Prakashani
  3. Primary TET Bengali by S.K. Jana
  4. Mathematics for TET by Pearson

Candidates should start their preparation from now on to get selected for the upcoming WB TET exam.

wb primary tet
wb tet exam
wb tet syllabus