One of the Government of India’s noteworthy initiatives is the Ekalavya Model Residential School (EMRS). This project has been initiated by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India, to provide quality education to tribal children in rural and isolated regions of India. The initiative is a component of the government’s plan of action to empower the indigenous people of India by developing skills and education. This initiative ensures that the tribal people get access to modern facilities and academic opportunities that promote their comprehensive development.
EMRS started its recruitment drive for teaching and non-teaching positions in 2023. Nevertheless, due to the ongoing expansion, the demand for skilled non-teaching personnel to support the institutions’ administrative, operational, and logistical functions remains high. In 2023, EMRS announced 28000 job openings for non-teaching personnel through EMRS recruitment notification. Out of the total of 28,000 seats, only 10,000 were occupied. This time, candidates interested in joining EMRS anticipate a substantial number of vacancies. The employment of non-teaching personnel in EMRS is essential for facilitating daily operations, providing effective assistance to students and educators, and maintaining a pleasant, organised educational environment.
Hostel Warden (Male/Female) Graduate in any discipline Accountant Grauate in Commerece Junior Secretariate Assistant Higher Secondary in any discipline. Also, 35 words per minute in English and 30 words per minute in Hindi typing proficency Lab Attendent Secondary Pass with Certificate or Diploma Degree in Laboratory or Higher Secondary Pass in Science
Also Read: RRB Group D Recruitment Notification 2025: Latest Vacancy Update
Age is considered an important part when it comes to any competitive exam. In the EMRS staff selection exam candidates’ eligibility can be evaluated based on their age. However relaxation as per government norms will also be included.
Vacancy UR OBC SC/ST Hostel Warde (Male/Female 35 38 40 Accoutant 30 33 35 Junior Secretaiate Accountant 30 33 35 Lab Attendent 30 33 35
Hostel Warden (Male/Female)- 29,200- 92,300
Accountant- 35,400 – 1,24,400
Junior Secretary Assistant (JSA)– 19,900 – 63,200
Lab Attendant– 18,000- 56,900
Also Read: EMRS Teacher Recruitment 2025
Genral Awarness 10 Reasoning 20 ICT 20 POCSO & Child Protection Act by Government of India 20 Languare (English/Hindi/Bengali) 30 Aptitude 30 Total 120
Quantitative Aptitude 30 Reasoning 20 General knowledge in Computer, Genral Awarness 20 Language (English/Hindi) 20 Subject Knowledge (Accountancy, Annual Taxation, Accounts, Budgeting Auditing & Financial Management, Gem) 40 Total 130
Reasoning 15 General Awareness 15 Language 30 Subject Specific Knowledge 60 Total 120
Quantitatve Aptitude 20 Reasoning 20 General Awareness 30 Language (Hindi/Englsh) 30 Basic Knowledge in Computer 30 Total 130
The candidates willing to apply for the non-teaching posts are advised to follow the EMRS Non Teaching Syllabus before preparation. Here we will provide the EMRS Non Teaching syllabus for the candidates to look over.
he EMRS Hostel Warden syllabus and exam pattern include six subjects: General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, Knowledge of ICT, Knowledge of POCSO and other child safety-related acts of the Government of India, Administrative Aptitude, and a Language Competency Test.
General Awareness
General knowledge and Current affairs with special emphasis in the field of education.
Reasoning & Numeric Ability
Puzzles & Seating arrangement, Data sufficiency, Statement based questions (Verbal reasoning), Inequality, Blood relations, Sequences and Series, Direction Test, Assertion and Reason, and Venn Diagrams.
Knowledge of ICT
Fundamentals of Computer System, Basics of Operating System, MS Office, Keyboard
Shortcuts and their uses, Important Computer Terms and Abbreviations, Computer
Networks, Cyber Security, and Internet.
Knowledge of POCSO and other children safety related Acts of Govt. of India
➢ The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (2006);
➢ The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (2012), The Protection of
Children from Sexual Offences Rules, 2020,
➢ The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act (1986),
➢ The Immoral Traffic Prevention Amendment Bill, 2006,
➢ The Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005,
➢ The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 (RTE) The
Criminal Law Amendment Act 2013
➢ Child Policy,
➢ National Charter of Children
➢ Child Mortality Rate,
➢ Gender Ratio
Administrative Aptitude
Handling a large number of students, Managing the consumables and inventories of
Hostel, ensuring the safety and security of children, ensuring segregation of male and female
students, ensuring cleanliness of hostel premises, and record management of children.
General English
Verb, Tenses, Voice, Subject-Verb Agreement, Articles, Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks,
Adverb, Error Correction, Sentence Rearrangement, Unseen Passages, Vocabulary,
Antonyms/Synonyms, Grammar, Idioms & Phrases
General Hindi
संधि, समास, धिलोम शब्द, पर्ाार्िाची शब्द, सामान्र् असधुिर्ााँ, िाकर्ांशों केधलए एक शब्द, महुािरे- लोकोधिर्ां, अपधित गद्ांश पर आिाररत
प्रश्न |
Regional Language:
Basic grammar questions like Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitutions, Error
The EMRS Accountant syllabus and exam pattern include five subjects: Reasoning Ability, Knowledge of ICT, Quantitative Aptitude, and a Language Competency Test and subject-specific knowledge related to accountancy. Along with that, a typing test will also be there to assess the potential of candidates. Here is the detailed syllabus for EMRS JSA syllabus.
Puzzles & Seating arrangement, Data sufficiency, Statement questions (Verbal reasoning), Inequality, Blood relations, Sequences and Series, Direction Test, Assertion and Reason, and Venn Diagrams.
Quantitative Aptitude:
Ratio and Proportions, Time and Work, Profit and Loss, Problems on Ages, Number System, Decimal & Fractions, Time and Distance, HCF & LCM, Percentages, Simplification, Average, Simple & Compound Interest, Mixtures & Allegations, Data Interpretation etc.
General Hindi:
संधि, समास, धिलोम शब्द, पर्ाार्िाची शब्द, सामान्र् असुधिर्ााँ, िाकर्ांशों के धलए एक शब्द, मुहािरे- लोकोधिर्ां, अपधित गद्ांश पर आिाररत प्रश्न |
General English:
Verb, Tenses, Voice, Subject-Verb Agreement, Articles, Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Adverb, Error Correction, Sentence Rearrangement, Unseen Passages, Vocabulary, Antonyms/Synonyms, Grammar, Idioms & Phrases.
Basic Knowledge of Computers, General Awareness & Current affairs:
Fundamentals of Computer Systems, Basics of Operating Systems, MS Office, Keyboard Shortcuts and their uses, Important Computer Terms and Abbreviations, Computer Networks, Cyber Security, and the Internet.
Subject Knowledge:
Accountancy, Annual Accounts, Taxation, Budgeting, Auditing and Financial Management, GeM etc.
The EMRS Lab Attendant syllabus and exam pattern include four subjects: General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, subject-specific knowledge and a Language Competency Test. Along with that, a typing test will also be thre to assess the potential of candidates. Here is the detailed syllabus for EMRS Lab Attendant syllabus.
Reasoning Ability:
Puzzles & Seating arrangement, Data sufficiency, Statement based questions (Verbal reasoning), Inequality, Blood relations, Sequences and Series, Direction Test, Assertion and Reason, and Venn Diagrams.
General Awareness:
General knowledge and Current affairs with special emphasis in the field of education.
General Hindi:
संधि, समास, धिलोम शब्द, पर्ाार्िाची शब्द, सामान्र् असुधिर्ााँ, िाकर्ांशों के धलए एक शब्द, मुहािरे- लोकोधिर्ां, अपधित गद्ांश पर
आिाररत प्रश्न |
General English:
Verb, Tenses, Voice, Subject-Verb Agreement, Articles, Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Adverb, Error Correction, Sentence Rearrangement, Unseen Passages, Vocabulary, Antonyms/Synonyms, Grammar, Idioms & Phrases
Subject-specific knowledge:
Knowledge of lab work and lab equipment, Knowledge of experiments of chemicals, Safety protocols of the lab, scientific name of chemicals and equipment, knowledge of different methods commonly used in labs, Techniques and Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences (Biology) etc.
The EMRS Junior Secretariate Assistant syllabus and exam pattern include five subjects: General Awareness, Reasoning Ability, Knowledge of ICT, Quantitative Aptitude, and a Language Competency Test. Along with that, a typing test will also be there to assess the potential of candidates. Here is the detailed syllabus for EMRS JSA syllabus.
Reasoning Ability:
This section covers a variety of topics, including puzzles and seating arrangements, data sufficiency, statement-based questions (verbal reasoning), inequalities, blood relations, sequences and series, direction tests, assertions and reasons, and Venn diagrams.
Quantitative Aptitude:
Key areas of focus include ratios and proportions, time and work, profit and loss, problems related to age, number systems, decimals and fractions, time and distance, HCF and LCM, percentages, simplification, averages, simple and compound interest, mixtures and allegations, as well as data interpretation.
General Awareness:
This category encompasses general knowledge and current affairs, with a particular emphasis on developments in the field of education.
General Hindi:
संधि, समास, धिलोम शब्द, पर्ाार्िाची शब्द, सामान्र् असधुिर्ााँ, िाकर्ांशों केधलए एक शब्द, महुािरे- लोकोधिर्ां, अपधित गद्ांश पर आिाररत प्रश्न |
General English:
Verb, Tenses, Voice, Subject-Verb Agreement, Articles, Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Adverb, Error Correction, Sentence Rearrangement, Unseen Passages, Vocabulary, Antonyms/Synonyms, Grammar, Idioms & Phrases.
Basic knowledge of computer operation:
Fundamentals of Computer System, Basics of Operating System, MS Office, Keyboard Shortcuts and their uses, Important Computer Terms and Abbreviations, Computer Networks, Cyber Security, and Internet.
Here is the category-wise cut-off for EMRS 2023 recruitment.
Category UR EWS OBC SC ST Hostel Warden Male 101.25 97.50 97.75 95 93.75 Hostel Warden Female 92.75 89.75 88.50 81.25 74.75 Accountant 96.50 89.75 88.50 81.25 74.75 Junir Scratariate Accountant 101.25 97.50 95.50 91.25 87.50 Lab Attenedent 93.25 83.75 86 80.75 78.56
The application fee for EMRS Non Teaching post is 1000 Rs.
Hostel Warden Male – 335
Hostel Warden Female– 334
Accountant– 361
Junior Secretariate Assistant (JSA) – 759
Lab Assistant – 373
We hope this article has provided you with all the details about EMRS Non Teaching recruitment. Prepare yourself for the upcoming recruitment exam!
What is the ESSE exam in EMRS?
ESSE stands for EMRS Staff Selection Exam. It is the recruitment exam for EMRS teaching and non-teaching posts.
Who is the chairman of EMRS?
Dharmendra Pradhan is the chairman of the Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS). Who is the chairman of EMRS?
When did the EMRS scheme start in India?
The EMRS is a scheme implemented by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs to provide quality education to tribal children. The scheme was introduced in 1997-98 to provide middle and high-level education to Scheduled Tribe (ST) students in remote areas
How many vacancies are available for EMRS Non Teaching posts?
EMRS ESSE-24 has not yet released a detailed notification regarding recruitment and vacancies. The candidates will learn about the details of vacancies as soon as EMRS release the notification.
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