Everything You Need to Know About the WB SET Exam: Clear All of Your Doubts From Here

Everything You Need to Know About the WB SET Exam: Clear All of Your Doubts From Here
November 29, 2024
Teaching Exams . WB Govt Exams

The West Bengal State Eligibility Test or WB SET is a state-level eligibility test to select and create recommendations for assistant professors for the government-aided colleges of West Bengal. This test is conducted by the West Bengal College Service Commission  (WBCSC).

WB SET Exam Overview

West Bengal State Eligibility Test, or WB SET, is considered one of the most important exams in West Bengal. Candidates preparing for this exam must know that after qualifying, they will be eligible to become assistant professors.

However, it is important to note that, this exam follows the prescribed guidelines set by the University Grants Commission (UGC). So if you are also preparing for the WB SET exam, you can find many similarities. 

The West Bengal College Service Commission (WBCSC) conducts the WB SET exam to recruit assistant professors in colleges and universities across West Bengal. 

WBCSC conducts this exam in 33 subjects, each subject has two papers: Paper I (Teaching & Research Aptitude) and Paper II (Subject Paper). To qualify for the WB SET exam, one must take the test for both papers.

However, if you have just started preparing and want to develop more clarity about the examination, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will not only discuss the exam pattern and eligibility criteria at length but also provide some useful tips to get the desired result in your upcoming examination.

WB SET 2024 Important Dates

WB SET 2024 Notification


WB SET Online Form 2024 Edit Option

09/09/2024 - 11/09/2024

WB SET 2024 Exam Date

15/12/2024 (Sunday)

WB SET 2024 Admit Card

20/11/2024 (Wednesday)

Career Opportunities after WB SET (Traditional)

Recently we have come across that several aspirants are ready to move forward with their careers in academia. A lot of them are preparing for the WB SET examination. This examination opens up a new array for candidates, who want to work as an assistant professor or want to make a significant contribution towards research. However, the equivalent to the WB SET exam is all the State Eligibility Tests (SET) happen in India.

Upon successfully passing the WBSET exam, individuals become eligible for numerous teaching and research positions and will be able to apply for assistant professor position in the higher education institutes of West Bengal. Aspiring assistant professors have the opportunity to apply to prestigious universities and colleges in West Bengal. 

If you choose to become an assistant professor/lecturer, here are some details you’d love to look at:

  • Candidates who have cleared WB SET and want to become an assistant professor can easily apply for lectureships or assistant professorships in any institution at their convenience. 
  • The expected salary for an assistant professor will range from 25000/- to 40000/- per month. It may increase with your experience.
  • The eligible candidate can also join as a part-time lecturer or they can join as a faculty member and train aspirants preparing for the UGC-NET/ WB SET exam.

However, this should be noted that the candidates qualified for WB SET can ONLY apply for admission to PhD in colleges and universities of West Bengal.

Non-traditional Career Options

After qualifying for the West Bengal State Eligibility Test (WB SET), many candidates naturally gravitate toward traditional roles such as assistant professor or research positions. However, if you’re seeking a more unconventional route, numerous exciting opportunities await you in various sectors. Embracing these alternatives can lead to a fulfilling and dynamic career. Let’s explore some viable options:

  • Writer: Your expertise can translate into compelling articles, essays, or books. Writers have the power to inform, inspire, and engage readers across diverse platforms.
  • Blog & Content Writer: In the digital age, content is king. As a blog or content writer, you can craft articles that resonate with audiences, all while showcasing your knowledge and creativity.
  • Editor: If you have a keen eye for detail, consider a career in editing. Editors play a crucial role in refining content, ensuring clarity, coherence, and impact.
  • Lab Trainer: For those with a scientific background, becoming a lab trainer offers the chance to educate and mentor students in practical skills, bridging the gap between theory and hands-on experience.
  • Consultant: Leverage your knowledge and expertise to advise organizations on various subjects. As a consultant, you can provide valuable insights that help businesses thrive.

WB SET Job Profile

The eligible candidates after the recruitment for the post of assistant professor will have to fulfil all the responsibilities. The WB SET job profile for the post of assistant professor will cover the following roles and responsibilities:

  • They have to teach and conduct extensive research in the subject they have opted for.
  • They would have to guide and supervise the undergraduate and graduate students in their field of expertise. 
  • They will have to create and implement better methods of teaching required for their students. 
  • They will have to mentor, assess and review students with their academic progress in their field of expertise
  • They will have to conduct reviews and publish the university’s research work in journals and academic books and will have to support the activities of their respective department.

Eligibility Criteria:

The UGC and WBCSC have established proper guidelines which include the eligibility criteria for the SET (State Eligibility Test) for Assistant Professors.

  1. General/EWS candidates who have secured at least 55% marks in a Master’s Degree or equivalent Examination from recognized universities are eligible for the test. 
  2. Other Backward Classes (OBC)/SC/ST/PWD and transgender category candidates who have secured at least 50% marks are also eligible. 
  3. Candidates pursuing their Master’s degree or equivalent course, those whose results are still awaited, or those whose qualifying examinations have been delayed may also apply for the test. 
  4. Transgender candidates are eligible for the same relaxation in fee and qualifying criteria as SC/ST/PWD categories. 
  5. PhD degree holders whose Master’s level Examination was completed by 19th September 1991 are eligible for a 5% relaxation in aggregate marks for appearing in the SET. 
  6. Candidates are not required to send any certificate or document supporting their eligibility or print out their Application Form to the WBCSC.
  7. Candidates with post-graduate diplomas or foreign degrees should verify their equivalence with a Master’s degree from a recognized Indian university.
  8. There is no upper age limit for applying for the SET, but the relevant Government Order will be applicable for recruitment purposes.

 Reservation Policy

  1. Allows reservation for PWD candidates with at least 40% disability.
  2. Categories include blindness, low vision, locomotor disabilities, deafness, hearing loss, autism, intellectual disabilities, mental illness, and multiple disabilities.
  3. Candidates must ensure their reservation category is verified by the employer/institution.

Exemption Criteria:

  1. NET/SET/SLET remains the minimum eligibility condition.
  2. Exemptions are governed by UGC regulations and amendments.
  3. Candidates who passed the UGC/CSIR JRF Examination before 1989 are exempt.
  4. Candidates who cleared the State Eligibility Test (SET) before 1st June 2002 are eligible for the Assistant Professor post.

NOTE: Candidates qualified in the WB SET exam, are eligible to apply for the post of Assistant Professor only in the state from where they have cleared their SET.

Exam Pattern & Number Distribution

WB SET is considered one of the most challenging exams in West Bengal. Through this exam, the candidates are evaluated to prove their eligibility for the role of an assistant professor. This exam consists of one general paper (combining research and teaching aptitude) and a subject of your choice, which is categorized as paper II. For paper II, there have been 33+ subjects to choose from, including, Bengali, History, Political Science, Education, Mathematics and many more.

WB SET Exam is divided into two papers. This exam consists of 150 questions for 300 marks. Paper I consists of 100 marks and the choice of your subject or Paper II consists of 200 marks. The candidates have to appear for both papers to pass the WB SET exam.

WBCSC conducts this exam every year. It is an offline exam, you need to fill out the OMR sheets to provide your answers. In the WB SET exam, no negative marking is generated for wrong attempts. However,  this rule applies to both papers.

WB SET Exam Pattern & Number Distribution

Types of Questions

Multiple Choice Question

Number of Questions


Total Marks

Paper (1)- 100, Paper (2)- 200


1 hour for Paper 1

2 hours for Paper 2

Marking Scheme

Paper (1): 50 question carries 2 marks

Paper (2): 100 question carries 2 marks

Negative Marking





WB SET Paper 1 Syllabus PDF Download

Candidates can download the WB SET syllabus from the links provided at the end of this article. Simply click on the download icon and the syllabus will appear on the screen.

Category-wise Exam Fees

Let’s learn about the WB SET examination fees cum from fill up charges


Examination Fees







UGC NET VS WB SET: Similarities and Differences

The University Grants Commission is the driving force behind India’s literary education system. This commission strives to maintain parity among all colleges and universities in India. Assistant professors are appointed in this country based on the regulations made by this commission. WBCSC also follows the same rules made by UGC. However, in India, the UGC NET Exam and SET exams (i.e. WB SET) have the same intentions. With this table, we will learn some similarities and differences between both exams to get a precise idea about these exams.





Mode of Exam







55% in Postgraduation Subject

55% in Post graduation Subject

Eligible For

Assistant Professor/ Researcher

Researcher with JRF

Assistant Professor/ Researcher

Validity of Certificate

Lifetime (NET-LS)

JRF (3 years only)

PhD Only (1 year)



UGC recommended Syllabus

Same as NET

Marking Scheme

UGC Recommended

Same as NET

Tips to crack the WB SET Exam

Candidates who currently preparing for the WB SET are already aware of the fact that they must prepare two papers to pass the exam. The first paper, or paper one, is designed to test your general knowledge, reasoning ability, and arithmetic skills. In contrast, the second paper, or subject paper exam, assesses your in-depth understanding of the subject. 

Read More: Assam SLET exam 2025

While some individuals who apply for the WB SET Exam, often find it tough and cannot score well on paper I, they possess significant subject-matter knowledge on paper II. However, this does not help them pass the WB SET qualification. Because this exam comprises two papers, you must cover the complete curriculum to succeed.

To clear your WB SET exam you must design an effective study strategy to accelerate your preparation. Here are some study tips you may follow

  • Having a concrete idea about the exam syllabus and structure is a must.
  • Read WB SET study materials for papers 1 and 2, we provided a link to some best books to consult for WB SET, you can read that article too.
  • While studying for WB SET, you need to make short and crisp notes for specific topics, it helps in retain what you have studied so far.
  • Revision is important for any exams you prepare. For WB SET you should revise every topic regularly. Revision is important for retaining what you have learned so far.
  • Time management is the principle key to success. Make a timetable and divide specific time for each subject/topic. Having a proper timetable can help you track how much time it will take to cover the entire syllabus. A proper timetable also helps to study smartly.
  • With topic-wise preparation, you must attempt mock tests, and test series and solve previous years’ questions (PYQs). Solving mock tests and PYQs can help in understanding the question patterns and types that frequently come in exams. Mock tests also help you in judging your self-preparation and boost your confidence. 
  • Sometimes failure can make you doubt yourself and your preparation, it indirectly affects your confidence level. It is crucial to have a positive attitude and indulge in activities that help to boost your confidence level. The lower confidence level is harmful to any aspirant.

Read More: Coaching or Self Study Which Way is Better for Your Preparation

Strategy for WB SET Paper I

Preparation Strategy is very much important for clearing any exam. If candidates duly follow these strategy, they can excel in the exam as well.

  • Solve PYQs and practice mock tests as much as you can
  • Make notes for each chapter
  • Read and digest those notes
  • Consult important books related to paper I to get more clarity
  • Practice more


What is the full form of WB SET?

The full form of WB SET is the West Bengal State Eligibility Test.

Can I do PhD after qualifying for WB SET?

Yes. WB SET qualified candidates are eligible to get admission to PhD. However this qualification is only acceptable in the state universities and colleges of West Bengal. 

Do you get JRF in SET?

No. JRF is not available in the WB SET exam.

What is the SET exam eligibility?

Candidates who want to sit for the exam must have scored at least 55% in their post-graduation degree. 

Is there any provision for negative marking in the WB SET exam?

There is no negative marking for the WB SET exam.

How many papers are there in the WB SET exam?

WB SET exam is divided into two papers. Paper 1 is a general paper containing research and teaching aptitude questions, and paper 2 is the subject paper.

How to prepare for the WB SET exam?

You must maintain a schedule to prepare for the WB SET exam. Then you must read each unit thoroughly, attempt mock tests, and solve previous years’ question papers to score better.

What are the minimum qualifying marks for the WB SET exam?

The minimum qualifying marks for WB SET General (Unreserved) and EWS is 40% aggregate marks in both papers and for SC/ST/OBC /PWD/Transgender: 35% aggregate marks in both papers.

wb set
wb set eligibility criteria
wb set exam
wb set exam date
wb set syllabus


WB SET Paper 1 Syllabus PDF